Okay, I'm admit it. I'm still a tad bit miffed over the troubles I had with my web site and host. (I've gone from livid to miffed, so that's a significant improvement.)
When It Rains
There's a saying, "When It Rains, It Pours." A few years back, I changed it to "When It Rains, Look for the Blessing."
Hear me out on this one, ok?
It happens to all of us. Our morning starts out all wrong -- and it seems like the whole day is one big curse. Anything that can go wrong, does -- and we're not spared. Things seems like they're going from bad to worse. We keep checking our watches and praying that the day will be over soon. You know what I mean, don't you?
The wires are crossed, nothing's going to save the day except getting our buns in bed that night so we can start all over again. Maybe tomorrow won't be so bad...
Look for the Blessing
Amidst the chaos surrounding you on one of those *bad days,* teach yourself to be still. Stop. Now listen to the silence. Hear that blessing? It's there. Yes, it is! I guarantee if you listen long enough, you'll find it.
I learned this when I was just a kid. It happens to me, time and time again. When it's crazy and nasty and things keep hurling themselves at me, I let the storm pass. Because I know that, somewhere within the storm, that blessing awaits. Just for me.
I mentioned my site being down. Not only was it down, but I had not been notified. I found out quite by accident. It was down for several days, to add insult to injury. My biggest concern was that my faithful readers would arrive on the site and conclude I was history. That's pretty frightening to any webmaster who has worked hard to create and maintain their own site. And all this because of lack on the host's part...
Here's my blessing for the day: I arrived home to find a special email waiting for me. A gentleman had written for permission to read one of my articles on the air of his radio station. He does a special Christmas segment during the holidays and would like to use my article, 10 Reasons Santa's Broke this Year.
The Moral of the Story?
Always look for the blessing when things aren't going well. It has never failed me. I have really neat things like the above happen to me (on a regular basis). It's a lot easier to get through rough times when you know there's something great waiting around the corner for you. Your blessing's there. Go find it! ;-)